amplifyHERscience Stories - Yale University
amplifyHERscience Stories will recount the tales of talented biotech innovators and entrepreneurs, the technologies they’re developing, and the complex paths they've traveled to achieve their goals and pursue their passions
amplifyHERscience Stories - Yale University
Episode 5 - Dr. Amy Divaraniya (Oova) and Dr. Melisa Lopez-Anton (Blavatnik Fellow)
Yale University
Episode 5
In this episode, our guest co-host Melisa Lopez-Anton, PhD and Megha H. Unhelkar, PhD interview Amy Divaraniya, PhD, the Founder and CEO of Oova, where we chat about her experiences as an entrepreneur, the importance of picking good mentors and finding a supportive network, and most importantly, being a lifelong learner. As Amy says, keep redefining normal!