amplifyHERscience Stories - Yale University
amplifyHERscience Stories - Yale University
aHs Podcast Pilot Episode
The women who go first and speak out help shape a better world for all of us, yet all too often their stories are lost. I was not going to let that happen to this story." - Excerpt from Anne Gardiner Perkins's Yale Needs Women
To help amplify as many Yale women's voices, we are excited to announce the launch of amplifyHERscience Stories, a Podcast series. amplifyHERscience Stories will recount the tales of talented innovators and entrepreneurs, the technologies they’re developing, and the complex paths they've traveled to achieve their goals and pursue their passions.
aHs Pilot Podcast: Introduction to the amplifyHERscience program, upcoming events, and more about the new amplifyHERscience podcast “amplifyHERscience Stories.” In this pilot episode, you will meet the founding members and hear from the entire team about the mission, their motivations to join the cause, and the goals of this recent initiative within Yale OCR. We will also share a teaser for our next episode!